Welcome to What You Say in English!

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Thanks a lot for stopping by! I guess I need to explain how this goes first. This is intended to be a weekly podcast in which I will give advice and tips on how to improve listeners’ speaking skills. Every week (or at least whenever my busy schedule allows me to) I will post up to three random recordings from listeners on a topic given every month. I will first introduce each speaker with the details they wish to share (name, age, place of origin, etc.), listeners get to hear the full recording, then I will go step by step giving feedback on what the person has done well (strengths) and mention the areas where some improvement may be needed.

The criteria I will be using will be:

  • Grammatical resource, which refers to the accurate and appropriate use of a range of both simple and complex forms (depending on the task and your level). Your performance is viewed in terms of the overall effectiveness of the language used when answering the questions.
  • Vocabulary resource, which refers to how much vocabulary the speaker has used effectively according to the situation given. This may go from simple, everyday situations to abstract expressions that convey more complex ideas.
  • Discourse management, which links to the speaker’s ability to produce coherent language that adapts to a specific context. I will pay attention to things like hesitation, relevance, organization, and development of ideas.
  • Pronunciation, which will focus on how intelligible the speaker is. This includes stress and intonation as well as individual sounds. I will try to put myself in the position of a non-specialist and assess the overall impact of the pronunciation and the degree of effort required to understand the speaker.

So, would you be up for the challenge? Get started and check the question of the month and submit your answers! I’ll be happy to listen to what you say in English!

You can find the podcast on Anchor and from there, you can subscribe through your favorite podcast provider.

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